An Stelle eines Vorwortes...

Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010

The Church of Google

I believe! Halleluja! I believe!
The holy church of  Google!

Recently I 'discovered' this site of a very intresting new 'religion'. Oviously these people have lots of humor, therefor the link to their site!

I have just one question regarding that new and, as I have to admit, very apealing and attractive religion:
 Isn't a god supposed to be a 'self-conscious' and 'sentient' being?

Ok... I admit, that I can't quite remember that anyone ever stated explicitly that it's compulsive for a god to be a  'self-conscious' and 'sentient' entity, but I always supposed exactly that.... could be my fault...
I'm not sure in regard of 'sentient' .... due to the 1,2 ....X-Something.... Billion butchered people in history to the 'glory of God' (which ever)... but I'm definitely... somewhat sure of the 'self-conscious'-point in the job description!

Ok... lets suppose... just for a blink of an eye... that Google is ... 'self-conscious'...
I know it's a rather scary thought ... after "Terminator 3" and "Terminator 4"... but lets think it anyway: Google is 'self-conscious'...
Than... YES Google is a God!.... But a very stupid one! Thats obvious!
AND Google is a God that's forgetfull! Yes it is! I checked it: Google can't remember my deleted blog entries from 5 years ago...

Oh my... now I'm blasphemous... that fast and easy!?
I am sure go to Google hell... not to be remembered ....for all times ...
... oooops!

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