I believe! Halleluja! I believe!
The holy church of Google!
Recently I 'discovered' this site of a very intresting new 'religion'. Oviously these people have lots of humor, therefor the link to their site!
I have just one question regarding that new and, as I have to admit, very apealing and attractive religion:
Isn't a god supposed to be a 'self-conscious' and 'sentient' being?
Ok... I admit, that I can't quite remember that anyone ever stated explicitly that it's compulsive for a god to be a 'self-conscious' and 'sentient' entity, but I always supposed exactly that.... could be my fault...
I'm not sure in regard of 'sentient' .... due to the 1,2 ....X-Something.... Billion butchered people in history to the 'glory of God' (which ever)... but I'm definitely... somewhat sure of the 'self-conscious'-point in the job description!
Ok... lets suppose... just for a blink of an eye... that Google is ... 'self-conscious'...
I know it's a rather scary thought ... after "Terminator 3" and "Terminator 4"... but lets think it anyway: Google is 'self-conscious'...
Than... YES Google is a God!.... But a very stupid one! Thats obvious!
AND Google is a God that's forgetfull! Yes it is! I checked it: Google can't remember my deleted blog entries from 5 years ago...
Oh my... now I'm blasphemous... that fast and easy!?
I am sure go to Google hell... not to be remembered ....for all times ...
... oooops!
Bei einigen Gedanken frage ich mich verzweifelt: "Ohhh...nöööö! Muss das jetzt sein? Woher kommt der denn jetzt wieder? Wieso muss der sich ungefragt mein Hirn als Platz zum Herumkreisen aussuchen?!" In diesem Notwehr-Blog versuche ich sie einfach los zu werden. Sollen sich doch andere Leute damit herumschlagen und versuchen klug daraus zu werden... Sollten Sie also Interesse an der Beantwortung WIRKLICH wichtiger Fragen haben ... dann lesen Sie die folgenden Einträge bitte besser NICHT!
Mittwoch, 10. Februar 2010
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